South Bank Show is an hour-long Velvet Underground special. Directed by Kim Evans and excellently researched by Mary Harron, the programme contains rare footage of embarrassing beatnik dancing to "Venus InFurs"; Jonas Mekas film of the Velvets appearance at the Psychiatrists Convention in 1966; film of the Exploding Plastic Inevitable by Ron Nemeth and some vintage home movie material of Cale, Reed and Morrison. It also has ex-Velvets talking sense, for a change. Nico: "I think there is a massive responsability that we sort of started this thing with drugs." John Cale: "The only reason we wore (glasses on stage) was because we coulnt stand the sight of the audience". The history of art-pop redefined with a no-show, of course, from either Andy or Lou. Feedback is a Velvet Underground history, companion to Ignacio Julias Feed-Back book, with Sterling interview, including him overdubbing guitar onto a 1984 Im Waiting For The Man Cales performance. |